Product Review - Varroa EasyCheck
This is my review of the Varroa EasyCheck from Veto-Pharma. I like to keep up on my mite counts. Treating for mites when they have...
Bob's beekeeping adventures #7
June 4.....opened up the hives to check things out and found 2 false queen cells in the box above the deeps. Scraped them off but I...
Bob's beekeeping adventures #6
OMG! My bee colony is growing so quickly. 2 weeks ago I checked the medium frames I added. They were doing very nicely. 2 outside frames...
Honey Bee Tales #6
"Holy Smokers!" Bob returned May 20th to help install the nucs into our Langstroth hives. It was a warm, sunny afternoon, so the bees...
Virginia's NewBee Blog: Swarm!
It's been a BEEzy couple weeks! A few days after receiving my second package (more on that another time), I got a call from a neighbor...