Kristi's NewBee Adventures #3 "The Big I"
Ryan (my amazing mentor) suggested that I wait until Monday (4/30/2018) to put the bees in since weather looked better than on Sunday. I...

Virginia's NewBee Blog: And then there were BEES!
What a weekend! Yesterday I drove out to Rick's house and picked up my first ever bee package! While I was excited, he could tell I was a...

Kristi's "NewBee" Adventure #2 "The Hives Arrive"
Do you remember the first car ride home with your newborn? Well, that is how I felt taking these two hives home. I picked up two...

Honey Bee Tales! #3
Hive Painting Day! At last, a sunny warm Ohio day (combined with an open schedule on our calendar) to paint the beehives that we...

Mites in Package Bees - Playing with Randy's Varroa Model
First off... Thank you to Wayne Griffith for this picture, which inspired me to write a post about mites: See those little dark specks?...

Virginia's NewBee Blog: Meet Virginia
Hi there! I'm very excited to embark on this new and exciting experience and have you along for the ride! A little bit about me ... I...

Honey Bee Tales! #2
Christmas in a Box! Christmas in a box! Well at least that was my initial thought, as I opened the door to my highly anticipated Amazon...

Honey Bee Tales!
Hi, My name is Edie and I invite you to follow along my "Honey Bee Tales!" as I chronicle my first year as a beekeeper. I'm in hopes that...
Announcing NewBee Blogs!
A few of our new 2018 beekeepers have volunteered to blog about their experiences! Their entries will show up on the main blog page with...

Kristi's "Newbee" Blog ~ Introduction to Me!
Hi, My name is Kristi and I am a newbee here with not only bee keeping but also blogging! I thought this would really help me chronicle...