SCBA Picnic this Saturday! Call to RSVP
Stark County Beekeepers Picnic
June 22, 2024
11 AM to 3 PM
Metzger Park
1420 S Nickelplate St
Louisville, Oh 44641
We will be meeting at Number 2 Pavilion.
Lunch will be approximately 12 PM
Chicken, plates, napkins, cutlery, water, and tea will be provided by the club. Please bring a side dish and/or dessert to share.
RSVP to Sheila Dicken at 330-868-3692 by June 19th. Leave your name, phone number and total number of people coming on the answering machine.
Sheila is planning a game that everyone will enjoy. The park has a wonderful playground and there are walking paths and a dog park nearby. It is the same site as last year’s picnic.