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UPDATED! - SCBA Winter Banquet

1-29-2019 Update: The Banquet has been rescheduled for February 16, 2019. Please contact Rick and Diane Blessing if you plan to attend!

The McKinley Museum once again will open its doors for the club to have its winter banquet at no cost on Saturday, February 16th. The club will have a room reserved from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. We will eat at noon. The club will provide the meat, drinks (hot and cold) and place settings.

Please bring a covered dish of your choice and/or dessert to share.

The Hoover-Price Planetarium will hold a special planetarium show for us at 2 p.m., and of course all of the museum’s exhibits will be open for us to enjoy.

We will have a gift exchange again this year for anyone who is interested. Bring a gift (value approximately $5), whatever you want — it could even be a jar of your honey, lip balm, etc. So we can let the museum know how many tables to set up, please contact Rick and Diane Blessing at 330-488-1053 by Saturday, Jan. 12, with your reservations. Thanks!

The museum is at 800 McKinley Monument Drive in Monument Park. If you need directions, please ask when you make your reservation. Come early and stay late and enjoy what the museum has to offer. Hope to see you there!

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