Winter Banquet - Please RSVP
Our Winter Banquet is rapidly approaching, be sure to RSVP to Jeff & Sheila Dicken at 330.868.3692. The Deadline has been extended to...
Spring Bee School - Sold Out
Who: Potential Beekeepers and those interested in beekeeping What 1 Day Beginner beekeeping class. experienced local beekeepers will...
November meeting changes
Please read these 2 items of great importance. The Stark County Nov meeting is 7 pm, Tuesday, Nov 14 at First United Methodist Church in...
Don't forget the OSBA Fall Conference
Hurry to register by October 20 for the OSBA Fall Conference. This year, there are 3 tracts to help the beginner, intermediate and...
Guest Speaker for October - The Wholesome Hive
SCBA Meeting Tuesday, Oct 3 7pm St Timothy's Episcopal Church, Massillon Matt and Laura Carmany of the The Wholesome Hive will share how...